quinta-feira, 11 de agosto de 2016

PeBook, PeBooks, CeBook, CeBooks, e-book, eBook, e-books, eBooks and digital goods to to make money online promoting morals, ethics and deontology for greater social utility global of Internet and new technologies

Thank collaboration for translation from Portugese and Italian in English and other languages for an international project of collective intelligence and creativity for a better future online. I propose a new experimental method to make money online promoting morals, ethics and deontology for greater social utility global Internet and new technologies:
A.    Promote and create infoProducts, eBooks, PeBooks, (personalized e-books), and CeBooks, (collective e-books) with ideas, informations, creativity and intelligence collectively for a better world, especially for a better future online, for a better use of Internet and new technologies. You can win with infoProducts sold through your affiliate link.
B. Select, invent, promote and disseminate the best ideas for a better future online with an easy system to create your PeBook, personalized customizing eBook: Buy some of my eBooks
, select50 % of what You considers best for your readers, post free online sale with 100 % of the profits at the price you want. ( You can also earn with the promotion of my original eBooks or future digital goods.
C. Send me your ideas, criticisms, comments or "PeBook" with authorization to publish a CeBook, collective eBook with best ideas of the best authors.
You can also leavs comments on my blogs or social networks:
I have a dream: co-author of the best ebook of the year, with the best ideas for a better future with the best authors online. I think i have some of the best ideas in Italian and Portuguese. I would like to collaborate with authors in other languages, find collaboration to develop my best ideas for a better future. With many authors can publish best ebooks with a selection of the best and cancel the wrong. If you are interested, to begin collaboration, You can leave a comment or send me an email.
More: TIL=TIME IS LIFE, colaboration for eBook: best ideas for the future, 
http://piresportugal.wordpress.com/2011/12/24/til-time-is-life-a-present-of-my-best-2t2u733jtm5lf-10 .
I hope to contribute to creating an ethic of time online with the public to avoid the most anti-social with search engines and new technologies to boycott all that damage many for benefits immoral and unjust few millionaires richer at the expense more starving.
I use different names for different online activities, profession and contacts in 6 languages:
PiresPortugal, NeoLeonardo, João de Deus Pires for:
InfoProducts , eBooks, peBooks, ceBooks, (collective e-books), in Portuguese, English, French, German and Espagnol;
“Neo-Machiavelli”, NeoItaliano: author in Italian;
SERIP : magic shows , activity professional artist shows.
More in Portuguese:
Uso diferentes nomes para diversas atividades online, profissão e contactos em 6 línguas:
PiresPortugal, NeoLeonardo, João de Deus Pires:

Neo-Machiavelli is my Italian name, (used for blog: http://neo-machiavelli.ilcannocchiale.it and ebooks:
Ebooks in italiano:
Tempo è Vita, Morte, Felicità e Infelicità 
http://www.lulu.com/spotlight/NeoMachiavelli ,
TIL=Time is Life=Tempo è Vita: Intelligenza, Creatività, Emozione, Politica, Giustizia, Informazione, Cultura e Volontariato: 
http://www.amazon.it/Time-Life-Tempo-Vita-ebook/dp/B005MJ9T10/ref=sr_1_1?s=digital-text&ie=UTF8&qid=1379418921&sr=1-1 .
TEP=Tempo etica e Publicità-Marketing: http://www.amazon.com/Tempo-Pubblicità-Marketing-Italian-Edition-ebook/dp/B0080R10MW.
Mais, T&L=TAGs e Links: PiresPortugal, Neo-Machiavelli, SERIP magic shows, SERIPires, Magia para voluntariado, beneficência, justiça global, NÉO-Einstein, Neo-Leonardo, NÉOpicasso, picassadas, pseudónimos online, DAG=Dicionário-Abreviaturas-Globais, DAO=Dicionário-Abreviaturas-Online, IUN=Id-User-Names, prioridades, interesses, Pt=Português, It=Italiano, Fr=Frenche-Francês, En=Englisch-Inglês, De=Deutsch-Alemão, Alemanha, Es=Espanhol, Espanha, Sp=Spagnolo, beneficência, justiça global, AVI=Associação de Vítimas de Injustiças, VAS=Voluntários de ação social, IMM=Ideias para um mundo melhor; NÉOEinstein, relatividade dos valores, inteligência, estupidez, populismo, online, NeoLeonardo=artista-inventor-NÉOarte, NÉO-Picasso, Picasso, picassadas autor da MdA=Merda d'Artista, D1A=Delírio de Artista, FFFRCM=Ficção-Fantasias-Filme de Rui Cardoso Martins, NeoPicasso, NeoLenarddo, NeoEinstein, Neo-Einstein, NéO-Leonardo, NÉOpicasso

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